Welcome to First United Methodist Church

Our location is 128 North Church Street in Mountain City, Tennessee. The church phone number is 423.727.7554. Sunday worship services are Sunday School at 9:30 am and Morning Worship at 11:00 am. Hope you consider joining us for learning about our faith, meeting our members, and celebrating the love of Jesus.

About Us

The people of First UMC take Jesus seriously when he said to his disciples, in Matthew, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

First UMC observes the first Sunday of the month. We have an open table, so all are welcome to observe this sacrament.
When you visit the Worship page, you will find a web version of the Sunday bulletin, information relating to COVID's impact on group meetings, a chart of the schedule for church volunteers, and both the latest worship video and Wednesday Bible study.

John stresses the idea of serving others as an integral part of living our Christian faith. He lives this by serving in short and longer term mission trips. He and Gayle serve as close as Johnson County to as far away as Alaska.
How to Serve

Jesus said that we, as Christians, should have a servant's heart. That means we willingly and joyfully serve one another. Under the website title are three statements: Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples. These are action statements that. if lived out with a servant's heart, ensure God will say to us when it's our time to leave this life, "Well done my good and faithful servant."
Ministry to Our Community

Ministry to our community is our living out the commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself". Jesus plainly explained through the "Good Samaritan Parable" that neighbor can include the world. We do that though local and global ministry. There are some wonderful and exciting events throughout the year which are examples of loving our local neighbors. Enjoy a trip through each one on this site.