Reverend John Crabtree
Mailing Information
First United Methodist Church
128 North Church Street
Mountain City, Tennessee 37683
Office: 423-727-7554
Pastor's Cell: 423-494-4045
128 North Church Street
Mountain City, TN 37683

First United Methodist Church of Mountain City, Tennessee has a rich heritage that began in 1818. In addition to our work to make disciples of Jesus Christ, we reach out to the greater community with the hand of fellowship. FUMC is known for its tradition of service and caring for everyone in our area. Whether it's the ecumenical services during Holy Week held at FUMC, our Pantry Fund, the Fall Bazaar, or Vacation Bible School held in June, our members constantly strive to enrich the lives of all age groups.
The Methodist Episcopal Church was established in 1818, organized by Rev. Henley, in a barn owned by Lewis Wills, four miles north of Mountain City, Tennessee.
The first Methodist church building, constructed in 1835, was located on the Richard Donnelly farm one mile north of Mountain City. In 1858, a building was constructed at the present location under the pastorate of Rev. N.M. Cooper, a carpenter and mason who did much of the work himself. The small building was used until it was torn down and rebuilt on the same lot in 1904. The new church was dedicated in August, 1905. This structure remains today.
In 1949, an annex consisting of a fellowship hall and classrooms was added. In 1967, under the pastorate of Rev. Ken Caraway, the new educational annex and the remodeling of the old educational facility was completed.

On May 24, 2002, the Columbarium and Carillon were dedicated during a special service honoring memorial gifts to First United Methodist Church.
In 2018, First Church celebrated its 200th Anniversary. On September 9, 2018 there was not only an anniversary celebration but also a homecoming. A wonderful and joyful service was followed by a luncheon.

First Church exerts a powerful influence in the life of our community. Through community outreach as well as hometown and overseas missions, First United Methodist Church follows Jesus command to minister to the world and make disciples of Christ.