Church Members Speak
Volunteering and giving at the jail. Bringing people to Jesus. Helping people that need recovery/rehab. Helping and contributing to two thrift stores that support faith-based recovery and sharing how others can help us to help them.
- Love God - Worship and prayer as acts of devotion. I think making the worship service and Bible studies online came out of our faith. Not every church did that. There are churches that temporarily chose to close their doors rather than go online.
- Love people - Supporting the food pantry, buying individual hand sanitizers to pass out at the Senior center. Hosting the scouts, JAM and other groups. The Unique Boutique gives poor people a place to shop and generates funds for the community. Collecting health and school kits also shows our love. I think several people participate in the Christmas box ministry as well.
- Worship services that we offer online and offline. I've answered several questions in the live stream chat about our faith. Also, Sunday school and VBS. John offered a confirmation class this past year and a group of girls went to Resurrection. Special services for Advent, the Longest Night, and Holy Week - plus others give opportunities to create disciples.
- As a member and leader of First United Methodist Church, I love people by keeping them in touch with what is going on with the church family and sometimes in the community through emails. I love God by supporting FUMC, The Body of Christ with my prayers, my presence, and my offerings of time, talents, and tithes. I make disciples by teaching an adult Sunday School Class using faith-based material that is often centered on discipleship.
- Our FUMC Family loves God by supporting his people who are in need in the Community through our Pantry Fund headed by Bobbie Smith that provides help with medical supplies, gas to get to appointments, rent, electric bills and food.
- The funding for our Pantry Fund comes from the church family, the Unique Boutique, and our annual Bazaar.
- Our Unique Boutique Thrift Shop uses profits to support local projects including the Community Center, the Senior Center, Fuel for Seniors, Santa’s Helping Hands, Coats for Children, Heritage Hall, and Safe Haven.
- We also reach out to fifty needy families in Johnson County each Thanksgiving with nonperishable meal supplies and a gift card for purchasing perishables for their holiday meal.
Our national and international efforts include school and hygiene kits for flood victims in our own nation and children in need abroad, along with a quarterly offering to Holston Home for Children, and a yearly contribution to the Heifer Project.
- Our annual VBS program is designed for reaching out to the children of the community with a program based on the message of loving God and one another through music, crafts, recreation, snacks, and service.
- Our annual Bazaar is a wonderful church family project in which most that are able participate with donations of food and sell-able items, along with working the tables, running a silent auction, flipping hundreds of chicken halves, and preparing 450 meals for eating in, carrying out and delivering. One third of the profits from our annual Bazaar are contributed to the Pantry Fund.
Thanksgiving Bags and Gift Certificates
Members use a provided list to fill a grocery bag with fixings for Thanksgiving Dinner. Each person or family will find a gift certificate in the bag to buy other items for Thanksgiving, like a turkey! Alternatively, they can make a donation for those packing the bags for distribution to buy what is on the list. The names of recipients are given by the congregation, Social Services, or the Neighborhood Service Center.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Evening Worship with Holy Communion

Vacation Bible School
If you grew up in a church that had VBS every summer, you probably have fond memories of the fun you had learning more about your faith. Maybe you learned to make a first century meal or learned how people dressed in that time period by creating your own first century clothing. Today, VBS is held in the evening because parents work. No matter because it's all about fun and learning.

Holy Week
The Johnson County Ministerial Alliance conducts daily services with First UMC hosting first a lunch then a short service remembering the events that lead up to the Crucifixion then Resurrection. As host the Pastor of FUMC begins each service with a welcome and introduces the minister delivering the Message for the day. The FUMC pastor normally conducts the Good Friday service.
Unique Boutique
The Unique Boutique stocks gently used and sometimes new items for personal and home use. Good buys and the profits go toward the Pantry Fund and local missions.