Mission Trip to Alaska 2022
The Crabtrees and Krugers participated in a missionary trip to Alaska. Are you looking for a powerful and inspiring message from a missionary? Look no further than this video featuring a special guest from Willow, Alaska! You can watch us as we welcome this missionary to our church and hear firsthand about the incredible work they are doing in their community. With a message filled with hope, faith, and dedication to serving others, this is an event you will want to watch. You will be uplifted by this inspiring speaker and learn more about how you can make a difference in the world around you.
Volunteer Schedule
Members of the congregation joyfully volunteer their services to make First UMC a welcoming place for members and visitors alike. The schedule is published to cover from March through February of the year. Volunteers rotate and normally serve six Sunday's per year. Opportunities include setting up the coffee, tea, drinks and snacks before Sunday School begins; greeting people as they enter the front door; delivering a Children's Sermon; overseeing Children's Church; and maintaining the church bulletin board. PDF for March 2024 through February 2025
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our ministry with and for all of God’s people is a blessing to many, especially to us.
We provide support through the generous support of our members as well as proceeds from the ministry of Unique Boutique, our gently used clothing ministry.
Money can be provided for food, gasoline, home heating products, and shelter.
Contact: Neighborhood Service Center
Telephone: 423-727-6633
Or the church office 423-727-7554
The pastor is available for assistance in planning a funeral and for grief counselling.
Food for Friends
First United Methodist Church has a Food for Friends program, which provides either a buffet dinner or reception after a funeral. The program is also responsible the setup and cleanup for fellowship luncheons. Click the image below to see the list and for more details.

Illness Injury
Illness, sudden or chronic, and injury can result in members of the parish being unable to join the regular ministry of the church. We can help with meals, activities of daily living, and trips to receive medical treatment.
Home Bound
Our home bound members receive a weekly newsletter by mail. Periodic greeting cards are mailed to celebrate birthdays and to let our home bound know we are thinking about them. Visits are made to those in assisted care facilities and nursing homes.
Crossroads Medical Mission
Crossroads Medical Mission provides primary medical services to anyone with difficulty accessing medical care in southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee. Our staff consists of two board certified family physicians, a nurse practitioner, and an executive director. The mission is supported by many volunteers. The mission comes to St. Anthony Catholic Church the first Thursday of each month. Our church provides lunch to the medical providers six times a year.
Contact: Cindy Rocket
Crossroads Medical Mission
PO Box 16852
Bristol, VA 24209-6852